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Run cortex with docker


To use the Docker image, you must use Docker (courtesy of Captain Obvious). Alternatively, it's also possible to run the image using Podman.

By default, the docker image generate a configuration file for Cortex with: - the Elasticsearch uri is determined by resolving the host name "elasticsearch", - the analyzers and responders official location, - a generated secret (used to protect the user sessions). The behaviour of the Cortex Docker image can be customized using environment variables or parameters:

Parameter Env variable Description
--no-config no_config=1 Do not configure Cortex
--no-config-secret no_config_secret=1 Do not add the random secret to the configuration
--no-config-es no_config_es=1 do not add elasticsearch hosts to configuration
--es-uri <uri> es_uri=<uri> use this string to configure elasticsearch hosts (format: http(s)://host:port,host:port(/prefix)?querystring)
--es-hostname <host> es_hostname=host resolve this hostname to find elasticsearch instances
--secret <secret> secret=<secret> secret to secure sessions
--show-secret show_secret=1 show the generated secret
--job-directory <dir> job_directory=<dir> use this directory to store job files
--docker-job-directory <dir> docker_job_directory=<dir> indicate the job directory in the host (not inside container)
--analyzer-url <url> analyzer_urls=<url>,<url>,... where analyzers are located (url or path)
--responder-url <url> responder_urls=<url>,<url>,... where responders are located (url or path)
--start-docker start_docker=1 start an internal docker (inside container) to run analyzers/responders
--daemon-user <user> daemon_user=<user> run cortex using this user

At the end of the generated configuration, the file /etc/cortex/application.conf is included. Thus you can override any setting by binding your own application.conf into this file:

docker run --volume /path/to/my/application.conf:/etc/cortex/application.conf thehiveproject/cortex:latest --es-uri http://elasticsearch.local:9200

Cortex uses docker to run analyzers and responders. If you run Cortex inside a docker, you can:

  • give Cortex access to docker service or podman service (recommended solution)
  • start a docker service inside Cortex docker container

Cortex uses main docker service#

In order to use docker service the docker socket must be bound into Cortex container. Moreover, as Cortex shares files with analyzers, a folder must be bound between them.

docker run --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume /var/run/cortex/jobs:/tmp/cortex-jobs thehiveproject/cortex:latest --job-directory /tmp/cortex-jobs --docker-job-directory /var/run/cortex/jobs

Cortex can instantiate docker container by using the docker socket /var/run/docker.sock. The folder /var/run/cortex/jobs is used to store temporary file of jobs. The folder /tmp/cortex-jobs is job folder inside the docker. In order to make job file visible to analyzer docker, Cortex needs to know both folders (parameters --job-directory and -docker-job-directory). On most cases, job directories are the same and --docker-job-directory can be omitted.

If you run Cortex in Windows, the docker service is accessible through the named pipe \\.\pipe\docker_engine. The command becomes

docker run --volume //./pipe/docker_engine://./pipe/docker_engine --volume C:\\CORTEX\\JOBS:/tmp/cortex-jobs thehiveproject/cortex:latest --job-directory /tmp/cortex-jobs --docker-job-directory C:\\CORTEX\\JOBS

Docker in docker (docker-ception)#

You can also run docker service inside Cortex container, a docker in a docker with --start-docker parameter. The container must be run in privileged mode.

docker run --privileged thehiveproject/cortex:latest --start-docker

In this case you don't need to bind job directory.

Use Docker-compose#

Cortex requires Elasticsearch to run. You can use docker-compose to start them together in Docker or install and configure Elasticsearch manually. Docker-compose can start multiple dockers and link them together.

The following docker-compose.yml file starts Elasticsearch and Cortex:

version: "2"
    image: elasticsearch:7.9.1
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - script.allowed_types=inline
      - thread_pool.write.queue_size=10000
      - /path/to/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
    image: thehiveproject/cortex:3.1.1
      - job_directory=${job_directory}
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - ${job_directory}:${job_directory}
      - elasticsearch
      - ""

Put this docker-compose file and .env in an empty folder and run docker-compose up. Cortex is exposed on 9001/tcp port. These ports can be changed by modifying the docker-compose file.

For advanced configuration, visit our Docker Templates repository

Cortex with podman#

Like docker, podman will be able to run the container image of cortex and of its analyzers. The examples below assume that the containers are run as rootful.

For Cortex to interact with podman, it needs to use the podman socket. On some systems, podman will automatically install and enable this service. You can check this on your system with:

systemctl status podman.socket

Here we assume that the podman socket is accessible on /run/podman/podman.sock. This may change based on your system.

Cortex uses podman service

You need to mount the podman socket inside the container to /var/run/docker.sock

podman run \
  --rm \
  --name cortex \
  -p 9001:9001 \
  -v /var/run/cortex/jobs:/tmp/cortex-jobs \
  -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ \
  --job-directory /tmp/cortex-jobs \
  --docker-job-directory /var/run/cortex/jobs \
  --es-uri http://$ES_IP:9200

With this configuration, Cortex analyzers will be run by podman.

Image not found

Podman may have trouble pulling cortex neurons images from the regular docker registry. You may have to add as an unqualified registry. To do this, add this line to your config /etc/containers/registries.conf:

unqualified-search-registries = ['']

Then restart the podman socket service too

Docker in podman

By running with the flag --privileged, it is possible to start docker inside a podman container

podman run \
  --privileged \
  --rm \
  --name cortex \
  -p 9001:9001 \ \
  --es-uri http://$ES_IP:9200

Last update: February 28, 2023 08:52:31